美國海軍公布在羅馬尼亞迪維瑟里的陸上神盾系統基地,基地包含一座裝置4面SPY-1D神盾雷達的主體建築與垂直發射系統。影片包含陸上神盾內部戰情中心、電力控制中心等。這套系統設置於羅馬尼亞,起源於為防禦如伊朗以戰區彈道飛彈襲擊歐洲,不過決定設置後引發俄羅斯強烈反彈。 美國海軍影片
Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System (AAMDS) the deckhouse and a Vertical Launch System (VLS) at NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY DEVESELU, Romania. The AAMDS uses a nearly identical configuration of the Vertical Launch System, fire control system, and SPY-1 radar currently in use aboard Aegis cruisers and destroyers deployed around the world. The AAMDS is a key element in Phase II of the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA). U.S. Navy video